We are pleased to report two little known tips for our Kindle Malaysia fans who read Chinese eBooks bought from Amazon Kindle Store China (excluding any personal documents, mobi, pdf, etc.).
New Kindle eReader Support Text-to-Speech for all Chinese eBooks
Finally, the much sought after Text-to-Speech (TTS) feature with Pinyin is now available for all Amazon Kindle eBooks purchased from Amazon Kindle Store China or Read for Free Chinese eBooks from Amazon Kindle Unlimited! Kindle fans can now listen on Kindle once they sign in to Amazon.cn China account for all of the Kindle ebooks– paid or free, on and off the Unlimited program, as long as you have purchased with Malaysia Credit Card & download Chinese eBooks from Amazon Kindle Store (China).
Listening to Chinese TTS is a great way to learn how to speak with proper Chinese intonation, it is a handy tool for the non-native Chinese speakers to learn Chinese. And of course, with the option to listen, all the more reason to immerse in book’s world!

Change from Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese Font
Amazon China mostly carries Simplified Chinese books (简体书) because most books in Mainland China are published in Simplified Chinese.
But last year Amazon China decided to carry a limited selection of traditional Chinese books, now what if you downloaded the Simplified Chinese eBooks, but needs to read them in Traditional Chinese font.
Now you can! We have grouped together a few Traditional Chinese font for you to download:
- 2012DingYongKangYingBiKaiShuXinBan-2.ttf
- FangZhengHeiTiFanTi-1.ttf
- FangZhengKaiTiFanTi-1.ttf
- JiaoKeShuTi-ICA-Pror-M-otf-2.otf
- TengXiangBoDangXingKaiFan-1.ttf
All you have to do, is to download the above fonts, and put it inside the Fonts folder (highlighted below) of your Kindle eReader. You need to connect to your Kindle eReader to your PC via USB drive, as shown below:

And then as you open up a book in Simplified Chinese,
you can change the fonts to the one that you just installed,

And viola! Now you can read the book in traditional Chinese!

Additional notes:
You can also turn on Pinyin (拼音) and Word Wise as per above, by following our another blog post guide here.