by nsoonhui | Mar 20, 2021 | Announcements, Book Review
Here are the two books that I plan to read, following my interest in biology and of course, the existence of Alien Life. The Zoologist Guide to the Galaxy The life as we know it, must started simply. It’s the scientific consensus that approximately 3.77 billion...
by nsoonhui | Feb 20, 2021 | Announcements, Book Review
How would human react to the discovery of intelligent extraterritorial beings beyond earth? In the late 2017, astronomers noticed a eerie object–known as Oumuamua– soaring through our solar system, tracing out a hyperbolic trajectory through the Inner...
by nsoonhui | Feb 13, 2021 | Announcements, Book Review
Tommy Thomas dropped a bombshell and made history when he released his memoir “My Story: Justice in the Wilderness”. As the first ever private, non-Malay and non-Muslim Attorney General (AG), being appointed by the first ever Prime Minister not from...
by nsoonhui | Jan 17, 2021 | Announcements, Book Review
In the midst of the resurging Covid 19 pandemic, reading how we went through the previous great pandemic — the 1918 Spanish Flu AKA H1N1 flu — is illuminating. How deadly was the 1918 Influenza Pandemic? About one third of the people at that time ( 500...
by nsoonhui | Oct 6, 2020 | Announcements, fan book review
本文为网友Eddy Sim书缘所提供,谢谢Eddy! 希望您可以继续供稿书评! 这本书是我在2019年5月1日购买的。当时买这本书折扣后的价格是中国人民币13圆99分。现在普通的价格是人民币25圆,大概就马币15圆。这本书有列入kindleunlimited包月服务。如果你还觉得贵,那就借书吧! 2019年5月28日我就读完这本书了。我是在2018年10月28日通过 #KindleMalaysia 购买了我人生中第一个电子书阅读器。...
by nsoonhui | Oct 5, 2020 | Announcements, fan book review
This is a book review submitted by our Kindle fan in Penang, Richard Ho. Thanks Richard, hope you post more! Since this coming December would mark a full 2 years since I purchased a Kindle e-reader, I think the time is right for starting a backburner project, which is...