How to make sense of political intrigue?

How to make sense of political intrigue?

The current political landscape must have intrigued most Malaysians by now. But how to make sense of all these? I would say, as I have said before, instead of just consuming news from minute to minute ( and suffer heart attack), now is the best time to invest yourself...


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How can you tell a hopeful investment from a scam? The book Bad Blood: Secrets and lies in Silicon Valley startup might give you some clues. Written by WSJ journalist John Carreyrou, Bad Blood details the spectacular rise and the even more spectacular fall of...

Collecting books for Friends to Mankind

Ah, the fragrance of the books, nostalgia! Shoutout to book worms! Do you have old books that you no longer want to keep around? As an effort to kindle the spirit of reading, is starting a campaign to donate used books to the Book Effect campaign,...