What did you do during MCO?
While many of us were just sitting at home, mindlessly consuming what was available on TVs or social medias or Netflix or Youtubes, Mr Tom. K took this opportunity to fulfill his dream goal — becoming an author. He wrote and self-published the book Adventure In Sarawak.

Tom’s parents were teachers in Sarawak from the early of 1950s, and he was born and raised there. Following his parents, he stayed and lived in Sibu, Kuching and Miri. Living in different places in Sarawak over the span of two decades gave him the idea and inspiration for the book.
As a Sarawakian myself, it was so nice to be able to read about my home state in this book. I was overwhelmed with a sense of familiarity, intimacy and even nostalgia when I went through the book on a kindle. Sepak takraw, Three slippers, Kolo Mee, fishing in the river… all these form parts and parcels of my childhood life. As I follow the protagonists in the story, as they visit the place that I’m familiar with, and do things that I also did as a young boy, reminds me of the carefree good old days that I used to have. Shouldn’t life be like that instead of chasing a rat race all day?
There really aren’t a lot of Malaysian authors who publish at Kindle, thus it’s a sweet surprise when I learnt that one of them is staying at the same Taman as me and wrote about his experience in Sarawak. Let me wholeheartedly recommend this book, because it is our memory.