I know that today the whole nation is caught up in GE 14 frenzy. Frankly speaking, the whole nomination process can be described as chaotic, some decisions of the election officers were problematic ( in a perverted display of the Malaysia Boleh spirit), and the scares and blunders were just too plain embarrassing for the representatives and their parties. All these fracas were actually very comical and hilarious, if not downright sad and tragic.
Anyway! Politics are temporary, but you and your development are permanent. So I hope that you can quickly get over your nomination day excitement and concentrate on what really matters to you— namely, your self-improvement via reading.
We are glad to announce that we are back for KL International Book Fair 2018 ( from 27/4-6/5) at PWTC , at unit L074.
To whet your appetite, let us show you some of the scenes at PWTC this morning:

Despite showing up at this sensitive time, I can assure that the Arab has nothing to do with donation…

Sinchew promoting e-newspaper. It is interesting to note that at a traditional bookfair, a traditional publishing house is promoting the new way of content delivery. How times have changed!
So we hope that you would drop by PWTC to visit buy and indulge in books, and to visit our booth. I understand that a lot of businesses and individuals are refraining from spending during this election period, because who knows what will happen after this. But let me assure you that– in direct contradiction to the conventional wisdom– perhaps this is the best time to buy and read books and kindles, because you will need to cool your head and detach yourself from all the frenzies and noises from time to time amidst the so-called the Mother of All Elections ( duh! this is definitely an overuse phrase).
You will need to maintain your sanity and humour, so that you can function tomorrow and day after, regardless of whatever changes that come may (or don’t).
Books —lots of them--are the best form of therapy. Happy reading!