Deep Work– a review

How long can you concentrate? According to a research, an average human being can only hold the attention for up to 8 seconds in 2013, even shorter than a goldfish. With this kind of attention span, it’s very hard to get any creative work done. So that’s...


身为两个女儿的爸爸,读完了犹太裔女子沙拉的两本书,《特别狠心特别爱》和《特别狠心特别爱2:赢在家风》,心中的感动久久散之不去。 特别狠心特别爱 特别狠心特别爱2 对沙拉来说,要怎么教育孩子呢? 第一:延迟满足 身处在这个丰衣足食的时代,很多孩子都被宠坏惯了。相对于我们父辈的那一带,现代人的物质生活无疑丰富许多:只有额外超胖的孩子,没有挨饿的孩子;在城市里,几乎也不存在着没钱买不起新衣的家庭。做父母的更是省吃俭用,要给孩子最好的。君不见小学生也几乎每人智能手机一架。...

The Sarawak Report take on 1MDB story

  Tom Wright and Bradley Hope from Wall Street Journal are not the only ones who have ample to say about 1MDB giga-scandal. Clare Rewcastle Brown of Sarawak Report also has her angle, and she says it all in her book, The Sarawak Report: The Inside Story of the...